Wido Partners with Sperax: Seamless Purchase of LP Tokens Now Available on the Demeter Web App

Wido partners with Sperax to streamline LP token purchases directly from Demeter web app.

Wido, a DeFi routing platform simplifying LP token transactions, is joining hands with Sperax, an Arbitrum stablecoin provider offering built-in rewards.

This partnership introduces Wido's Deposit Widget into Sperax's Demeter web application, making LP token purchases a one-click process. Sperax users can buy these tokens without leaving the app, reducing the number of steps and making it more user-friendly.

What are Sperax and Demeter?

SperaxUSD is the leading stablecoin yield-automation protocol on Arbitrum. USDs, a 100% collateralized stablecoin, is fully on-chain and generated organize yield for its holders. USDs can be minted using other stablecoin assets like USDC, FRAX, DAI, and VST, which are deposited into various delta-neutral Defi strategies.

The Demeter protocol is a no-code farm launcher on top of UniswapV3 and Camelot. Anyone can build their own fully incentivized farm without any coding or technical expertise. The Demeter protocol is fully audited and permissionless. It is integrated with Gauge, a reward mechanism that emits SPA rewards USDs trading pairs in Demeter.

What is Wido?

Wido is a tool that makes it easy to buy and sell LP tokens and other digital assets. Platforms like Demeter and Sperax integrate Wido to allow users to buy these tokens directly from their apps.

The Benefits of Wido for Sperax Users

Before Wido was integrated into Demeter, users needed specific tokens to set up an LP and then deposit it into the Farm. Now, users can use any token in their wallet, and Wido will find the best way to swap these tokens and deposit them into an LP token.

As of now, Wido supports Uniswap v3 Farms and is preparing to include more chains. When this goes live, users will be able to set up LPs with tokens from different chains, making the process even more straightforward.

Future Plans

As we continue to innovate, here are our plans to enhance the usability of the Sperax / Demeter web app:

  • Expand support for all LP tokens, so users can buy any LP token directly from the app, including LP tokens for farms launched by 3rd party developers
  • Add cross-chain support, so users on other chains, like Polygon, can buy LPs on Demeter without having to switch to Arbitrum. Wido will handle gas fees and network switching complexities, resulting in less friction and more users on Demeter.
  • Our vision includes the integration of Sperax / Demeter into Mobile DeFi Wallets and Apps like Zerion. Wido is developing a unified API for Wallets and Web Apps to seamlessly integrate DeFi. If you're a developer and interested in integrating Sperax Demeter using our unified API, we'd love to hear from you!

Invitation to DeFi Developers

Are you crafting a cross-chain DeFi app or wallet? Wido would love to partner with you! We can help you:

  • Integrate the Wido Deposit Widget to enable deposits into any pool, farm, or vault, regardless of the chain they are on. This can help your protocol accept deposits from any chain and potentially double their Total Value Locked (TVL).
  • Sell NFTs or other tokens to users on all chains. No matter what their home chain is, they can access your NFTs gasless in a single chain through our Checkout Widget flow. For more information, get in touch.

Developers that need to rebalance between different LP tokens and chains programmatically can use our API to do so in a gas-minimised, efficient way. Reach out to learn more.

We're excited to explore new possibilities together!