Historical APY for yearn.finance vaults

Understand vault's volatility in greater detail using Wido Historical APY

The APY (or growth) on yearn vaults can sometimes be very high, getting up to 50% or even more, tempting us to invest. The problem is that it can change rapidly. A vault can report 50% APY only to show 10% or less a minute later. The number is volatile and changes with every new Ethereum block, which happens every ~ 15 seconds.

Historical APY helps us understand the APY volatility in greater detail. It helps us answer questions like:

  • How has a particular yearn vault performed over the last month?
  • Is the currently high APY just a spike, or has it been high for longer?
  • Has the APY been volatile, changing every day, or has it been rather stable?

Those and other questions can be answered using Historical APY.

Currently, the only way how to get the Historical APY for yearn.finance vaults is on app.joinwido.com. You can find the vault you are interested using the search magnifier icon or filters.

Wido shows the same list of yearn vaults that you can find on yearn.finance and adds more information like Historical APY. This is possible due to the open nature of blockchains. Even though the vaults belong and are maintained by yearn, they can still be presented in Wido. It's really the same data presented in a more user friendly way.